The Longs

Amy, Brandon, Calvin & Deacon

We are a hardworking family that believes in working together to accomplish our goals, we look forward to helping you with your beautiful outdoor wedding or event.

     We have been married since 2012, we love the crap out of each other! We truly are best friends. Calvin was born in 2013, Deacon 18 months later in 2014. Our kids are awesome.In fact their Wicked Awesome! They are our big helpers and are always ready for an adventure. Together the two of us (Amy and Brandon) have 30+ years of food service experience. We are Wicked Awesome Eats! You may have seen us under our orange tent at some of the local fairs/festivals or at a private party serving up Quesadillas. Operating a wedding space is our dream come true! Hopefully our dream can help others realize theirs too.

   -Love is real.

Brandon and Amy Long